Psychopathic Personality Traits, Suicide Ideation, and Suicide Attempts in Male Prison Inmates
Prison inmates are at greater risk for death by suicide compared with the general population. Although many risk factors for suicide identified in the general population (e.g., depression, substance abuse) also apply to prison populations, few studies have examined variables that are of particular relevance to prison inmates.
A Firesetting Offense Chain for Mentally Disordered Offenders
Relatively little effort has been made to develop and validate theories that explain firesetting. In this study, the first offense chain model of firesetting in mentally disordered offenders was developed…
Prediction of General and Violent Recidivism Among Mentally Disordered Adult Offenders: Test of the Level of Service/Risk–Need–Responsivity (LS/RNR) Instrument
The present investigation examined the predictive validity of the Level of Service/Risk–Need–Responsivity (LS/RNR) instrument for general and violent recidivism in a sample of 138 community-supervised adult mentally disordered offenders.
The Treatment of the Mentally Ill in Supermax Facilities: An Evaluation of State Supermax Policies
As a criminal justice policy, researchers have encountered numerous problems attempting to evaluate whether supermax confinement achieves its desired goals. Among the many goals of supermax confinement is the incapacitation of the “worst of the worst” inmates.